Corporate Law
We are a results-oriented organization.
We are dedicated to our clients, to whom we owe absolute commitment and loyalty.
Nowadays, we are a team with more than thirty professionals,.
With specialists in different areas, where each team member fulfills a specific task and is constantly trained to do their best performance at work.
Formation of corporations
(S.A – S.A.S – S.R.L. etc.). (Similar to LLC)
Comprehensive counsel for companies and Development of short and long term growth projects.
Development of strategies, Marketing and Accounting.
Comprehensive counsel for companies.
Reorganization and Bankruptcy Proceedings - Debt Restructuring.
Savings and Loan Associations for specific purposes.
Finance company - incorporation and development.
Management of sustainable projects.

You can multiply your incomes in an exponential way by taking part in tenders of any type, from the State and from individuals.
Any natural person or legal entity.
Entry on the Vendor Registration, membership in purchases and others.
Most tenders are free, however there are some that have a minimum cost.
NO. Any natural person or legal entity can participate in tenders.
Legal counseling
Development of alternatives in hiring.
Competitive Research
Risk analysis.
Personalized Assistance
Preparation of Economic Offers.

Accounting counseling
Tender strategies.
Procedures of state entities
Membership in the Register of Suppliers.
Audit of Bid Opening
Comprehensive development of hiring.